Please choose PayPal as your payment method on our payment page.

Make sure to open a PayPal account prior to using this method.

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The usage fee will be displayed in US Dollars.

The exchange rate is determined by PayPal. Please contact PayPal regarding any issues with the exchange rate.

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What is PayPal?

PayPal is a secure and easy, online method of payment that does not require a buyer to enter sensitive information such as bank account and credit card numbers every time a purchase is made.
PayPal is affiliated with major credit card companies and banks worldwide in order to make money transfers easier.
PayPal is an easy way to make a cross border payment
It is free to open a PayPal account.


Pay securely for your online purchases
Shop securely at eBay and thousands of online stores. When you pay with PayPal, we don’t expose your financial information.

Send money quickly and easily
Pay for purchases and send money from 193 countries and regions. All you need is the recipient's email address. Recipients don’t need a PayPal account – they can sign up when they receive your payment.

Accepted worldwide
PayPal is accepted by thousands of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay.

Easy to sign up, easy to use
Signing up for a PayPal account is easy - it takes just a few minutes. Once you've signed up, you can send your payment in minutes.

Sign Up Now!

More Benefits for Buyers

Shop internationally
Send payments across the globe and access eBay's worldwide marketplace.

Receive money
You can also receive money. Discover what PayPal has to offer eBay sellers and online businesses.

Pay with PayPal at thousands of websites

PayPal Shops offers a great sampling of online businesses that accept PayPal.

Use your bank account
Where available, you can fund your purchases directly from your bank account.

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